
Conquering Pre-Game Jitters: Tips for Managing Nerves

Conquering Pre-Game Jitters: Tips for Managing Nerves

Pre-game jitters are a common experience for athletes of all levels. Whether you are a professional athlete or a recreational player, the nerves that come before a big game can be overwhelming. However, with the right strategies and techniques, you can learn to manage your nerves and perform at your best when it matters most.

Here are some tips for conquering pre-game jitters:

1. Prepare Mentally and Physically

One of the best ways to combat pre-game jitters is to be well-prepared both mentally and physically. Make sure you have put in the necessary practice and training leading up to the game so that you feel confident in your abilities. Visualize yourself succeeding in the game and focus on positive outcomes rather than dwelling on negative thoughts.

2. Practice Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques

Deep breathing and relaxation techniques can help calm your nerves and reduce anxiety before a game. Take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth, focusing on slowing down your heart rate and relaxing your muscles. You can also try progressive muscle relaxation, where you tense and then release each muscle group in your body to promote relaxation.

3. Focus on the Present Moment

Instead of worrying about the outcome of the game or what might happen, try to focus on the present moment. Stay in the here and now by focusing on your breathing, your movements, and the task at hand. By staying present, you can prevent yourself from getting caught up in anxious thoughts about the future.

4. Use Positive Self-Talk

Negative self-talk can contribute to pre-game jitters and undermine your confidence. Instead, use positive self-talk to build yourself up and boost your self-esteem. Remind yourself of your skills and abilities, and tell yourself that you are capable of performing well in the game. Repeat positive affirmations to yourself to drown out any negative thoughts.

5. Establish a Pre-Game Routine

Having a pre-game routine can help you get into the right mindset before a game and reduce pre-game jitters. Create a routine that works for you, whether it involves listening to music, doing a warm-up routine, or engaging in a specific visualization exercise. Stick to your routine to help calm your nerves and prepare yourself for the game ahead.

6. Stay Hydrated and Fuel Your Body

Proper hydration and nutrition are essential for managing pre-game jitters. Make sure you drink plenty of water leading up to the game and eat a balanced meal that includes carbohydrates for energy and protein for muscle repair. Avoid caffeine and sugary drinks, as they can contribute to anxiety and jitteriness.

7. Seek Support from Teammates and Coaches

If you are feeling nervous before a game, talk to your teammates and coaches for support. They can provide encouragement, advice, and reassurance that can help calm your nerves and boost your confidence. Remember that you are not alone in feeling pre-game jitters, and that your teammates and coaches are there to support you.

8. Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful tool for managing pre-game jitters and boosting confidence. Take some time before the game to visualize yourself succeeding in your performance. Imagine yourself making successful plays, scoring goals, or hitting your targets. Visualizing success can help build your confidence and reduce anxiety before a game.

9. Focus on the Process, Not the Outcome

Instead of fixating on the outcome of the game, focus on the process of playing and performing to the best of your abilities. Set specific goals for yourself that are within your control, such as executing a specific play or strategy, rather than focusing on winning or losing. By focusing on the process, you can reduce anxiety and perform at your best.

10. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness techniques can help you stay present and focused before a game, reducing pre-game jitters and anxiety. Practice mindfulness by paying attention to your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Mindfulness can help you stay calm and grounded before a game, allowing you to perform at your best.


Q: What are pre-game jitters?

A: Pre-game jitters are feelings of nervousness, anxiety, or excitement that athletes experience before a game or competition. These feelings can manifest as physical symptoms such as butterflies in the stomach, sweaty palms, or a racing heart.

Q: Are pre-game jitters normal?

A: Yes, pre-game jitters are a normal and common experience for athletes of all levels. It is natural to feel nervous or anxious before a game, as it shows that you care about your performance and want to do well.

Q: How can I tell the difference between normal pre-game jitters and performance anxiety?

A: Normal pre-game jitters are temporary and usually dissipate once the game starts. Performance anxiety, on the other hand, is a more persistent and intense feeling of fear or dread that can interfere with your performance. If you are experiencing performance anxiety, it may be helpful to seek support from a mental health professional.

Q: What are some signs that I am experiencing pre-game jitters?

A: Some signs that you may be experiencing pre-game jitters include racing thoughts, sweaty palms, trembling, a dry mouth, an upset stomach, or difficulty sleeping the night before a game. These physical and emotional symptoms are common manifestations of pre-game nerves.

Q: How can I overcome pre-game jitters?

A: There are many strategies for overcoming pre-game jitters, including deep breathing techniques, positive self-talk, visualization, mindfulness, and seeking support from teammates and coaches. It is important to find the strategies that work best for you and to practice them consistently to manage your nerves effectively.

In conclusion, pre-game jitters are a normal part of the athletic experience, but they can be managed with the right techniques and strategies. By preparing mentally and physically, practicing relaxation techniques, focusing on the present moment, using positive self-talk, establishing a pre-game routine, staying hydrated and fueled, seeking support from teammates and coaches, visualizing success, focusing on the process, and practicing mindfulness, you can conquer your pre-game jitters and perform at your best when it matters most. Remember that pre-game jitters are a sign that you care about your performance, and that with the right tools and mindset, you can overcome them and succeed in your athletic endeavors.

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